November 8th
Boston, MA
We invite you to join us at our second annual Boston CISO Summit, an invite-only event specifically developed for information security leaders.
Our leadership expert, Michael Santarcangelo, will be working with our security leader attendees to help them acheive success through advancing security and improving their leadership skills.
Michael brings nearly two decades of experience spanning industries and challenges across the full range of IT and information security functions.
Through Michael's Straight Talk Program, he helps CISOs and security leaders clarify focus, prioritize action, and connect with confidence. The Framework ensures CISOs break down barriers, build connections, and get results.
The leaders who work with Michael capture, distill, and demonstrate their value. They earn the recognition they deserve as a leader in the executive suite. Their voices are heard by the board and across the industry.
Learn more about Michael's programs here: www.securitycatalyst.com