The Identity and Access Management (IAM) market is flush with cash from private investments as well as customer deals. Venture capitalists and enterprise organizations alike are investing in new artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions for managing the rapid proliferation of identities and achieving least privileged access.
A quick walk of the RSA Conference floor, or a listen to your voicemail inbox is proof enough that the IAM market is among the hottest segments in cyber security. However, just in case you need numbers to back up this claim, we have data from industry pundits and research firms that emphasize the point.
Global Identity and Access Management market will reach $20.87 billion by 2022, growing at a rate of 14.8%.*
The Identity and Access Management market reached $8.09 billion in 2016.**
Reports on spending priorities from CISOs validate these market numbers and growth potential.
Access and authentication outpace other security technology priorities including advanced malware, endpoint security and data protection technologies. (PWC’s Global State of Information Security)
Access and authentication is the number one spending priority for CISOs this year. (SANS)
Venture capital investment in identity and access management
With the influx of VC funding and intense interest in the marketplace, IAM solution providers raised $362 million across 34 deals in 2016. (CBInsights)
* Orbisresearch.com
** Markets & Markets