We hosted our second annual Billiards and Blues event at Flattop Johnny's in Cambridge on November 13th. We enjoy hosting this event to bring together customers, partners, and friends of K logix for a relaxing evening. With almost 100 attendees, a billiards tournament, raffle prizes, and a blues band, it was a guaranteed good time for all. Almost everyone went home with a raffle prize, including Drone helicopters, GoPro cameras, Fitbits, Apple gift cards, solar backpacks, and much more. We also hosted a 50/50 raffle benefiting the South End Community Health Center.
We had 17 teams compete in a high stakes billiards tournament, with the winner going home with $1000 and Drone Helicopters. We want to congratulate our tournament champions -Tom Higgins and Dave Nuss (Senior Vice President of Information Technology, Cresa). We also want to give a big thanks to Dave for donating all of his winnings to the South End Community Health Center.
We want to thank all of the attendees for joining us and we look forward to hosting many more successful Billiards and Blues!