Trial Data, Drug Formulas, and Other Sensitive Data - Are You Doing What You Need to Protect it?
September 18 1:00 pm ET
Join K logix and FireEye September 18 at 1:00 pm ET for an informative Webinar focused on the unique security threats and challenges facing the Bio/Pharma industry, and how to safeguard against them.
In the bio/pharma industry all of your data is highly sensitive. Intellectual property, specifically, is critical to the success of your business. Losing that data to competitors, thieves or others can result in the death of business operations, and at minimum eliminate competitive advantage.
But today’s cyber attacks are sophisticated, stealth, and targeted. What can you do to safeguard against these threats?
Attend this 60-minute webcast and learn how a leading company in the bio/pharma industry protects their critical data with FireEye.
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